Monday, December 16, 2013

Searching for the Direction-week 20

"Moonstruck I"

I am quite happy with progress I am making. Enjoying the experimental approach with the use of color and texture. There are endless possibilities as long as I am on my journey of the searching

                                                            24x24x1.5 in.     acrylic, mixed media on canvas


This painting has thick and rough texture. Hard to deal with.
Has so many layers attempt made. Finally I am quite happy with this painting.
I have to give a title fit well  to. Maybe, "Journey Man", I like it!

                                                            18x18x1.5 in.     acrylic, mixed media on canvas 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Searching for the Direction-week 12

                       20x24 Acryics, Mixed Media on Canvas

                                                            18x18 Acryics, Mixed Media on Canvas

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Searching for the Direction-week 5

5 weeks passed by. Finally I have  two paintings which I could call it as finished. I am very happy I got to this point rather quicker than I expected.
My mission from now is to continue producing paintings with same integrity as these.
Seems much harder than the exploring stage.


" Can't Stay Still"                                              

                                                                                    20x24, acrylic  on canvas

"Unexpected Encounter"

                                                                                   20x24, acrylic on canvas







Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Searching for the Direction-week 1

Starting last week,  I am trying to do larger paintings, with different approach.
By using acrylics, creating  the interesting surface. I am curious how this process will be developed.

20x24, acrylics

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Monotype with my drawings

These are monotypes cooperated with my figuire drawings. All of these are work-in-progress. I love this process. It offers the endless possibilities in art-making.

Monday, July 1, 2013

some drawings..

I found a figuire drawing group in Santa Fe, not far from me.
These are first drawings  in this year.   I felt  so familiar being with other artists and  a model,

like coming back  home.
This model was so lean and long, from yoga and Qigong practice..
Reminds  of  Images of Egon Schelle

My drawings...

0n 18x24 News Print

by Egon Schelle